Easy Gourmet Pizza Lactose Free

Pepperjack, chorizo & green peppers

Did you know that Cabot has several variations of lactose free cheese? I know there are still tons of lactose intolerant people out there who think that they have to eat cheeseless pizza, so please share this post! Thanks to my brother-in-law, Andrew, and his girlfriend, Erica (who is lactose intolerant), for giving me this nugget of knowledge to share with you.

For a complete list of of lactose free cheeses from Cabot check out its faq's page. FYI, any hard, aged cheese has little to no lactose.

I absolutely love using Betty Crocker's pizza crust packet because it is quick, easy and produces a great crust. A few months ago I stumbled upon this simple and tasty crockpot marinara from Budget Bytes and have used it ever since for my pizzas. I froze individual servings in Ziploc bags and simply thaw them (in the sealed bag) in hot water for a few minutes when I'm ready to use.

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