Green Frog Popsicles
Hey kids, time for dessert, who wants spinach? (Cue the crickets chirping in the background). Ok, let's try this again. How about a popsicle? "Me! Me! Me!" Great!
I found this sweet and refreshing recipe for Green Frog Pops via Super Healthy Kids. Grab your blender, put in 1 cup of mangoes, 1 banana, 2-3 cups spinach (I used three), and 1/2 cup coconut water, blend until smooth, pour into your popsicle molds, and freeze. As they are scarfing down their yummy popsicles you can choose whether or not to clue them in that they are in fact, actually eating spinach.
So Morgie took one look at the green popsicle, shook his head and said, "Uh-uh." I put an over-the-top grin on my face and said in my sweetest lovingly Mommy voice, "you are going to love this Froggie popsicle." Grinning even wider, I handed it to him, and nonchalantly walked out of the room. I didn't want him to smell my desperation and refuse to eat it just because he knew I wanted him to. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and anxiously peeked around the corner to find... him trying it! In fact, he ate the whole thing. I grabbed him half-way through so I could take a quick pic and share this successful veggie-hiding recipe with you.
What is your favorite veggie-hiding recipe?
Love this!